20 Tips to lose weight the healthy and right way

In this fast-paced life, people are finding it hard to spend time on themselves. The result is poor Health conditions and Diseases. We give you the top 20 tips to lose weight healthily and safely. The reality is there are lots of temporary solutions to lose a few pounds. But the permanent loss of weight is possible only if you focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle.

1.Starter For Your Health:

Due to a hectic work schedule, people avoid breakfast or consume less. Skipping breakfast cannot help to shed extra pounds. You may lose out on vital nutrients and might end up eating junk more all day long because you feel hungry. So make it a point to the first meal of the day at the right time.

2.Eat Regularly:

Eating at regular intervals during the day helps burn calories at a swifter rate and reduces the urge to binge on high sugar foods. Consuming a smaller portion of food at equal intervals help increasing the metabolism and aids for better digestion and consumption of nutrients.

3.Enjoy Lot Of Fruits And Vegetables:

Fruit, veggies are low in fat, calories, and high in fibre. These are the three ingredients of weight loss. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Surveys show that people eating fruits and vegetables weigh less.

4.Physically Active:

Being physically active is the secret of weight loss. In addition to providing numerous health benefits, physical activity burns the extra calories which you can’t lose by dieting alone. Find an exercise you like and create a schedule. Cardio burns calories and improves your mental and physical health. It helps in losing abdominal fat, which builds up around your organs and causes metabolic syndrome.

5.Get Plenty Of Water:

People often confuse hunger with thirst and consume extra calories. Experts advise consuming 2.5 to 3 litres of water a day to stay hydrated. Drinking water also helps to get clear skin as our body flushes the toxins.

6.Eat Food Rich In Fibre:

Fibre present in plant foods, like fruit, vegetables, wholewheat bread, brown rice, pasta, peas and lentils. Fibre also prevents Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. Foods containing fibre helps to keep you full, ideal for weight loss. Fibre food also keeps your tummy clean by aiding smooth digestion.

7.Read Label Of Products:

Learn to read labels on food will help you pick healthy choices. Using the calorie details to decide how a specific food fits into your total calorie allowance on your weight loss program. Avoid the consumption of processed foods. Heavily processed foods are usually loaded with calories but lack vital nutrients such as protein and fibre that help you feel full.

8.Use A Smaller Plate:

Eat smaller servings using smaller bowls. You get accustomed to eating smaller portions without going hungry by using smaller plates. It takes the stomach about 20 minutes to tell the brain it is full, so eat slowly and quit eating until you feel full.

9.Don’t Avoid Foods:

Do not exclude foods, particularly the ones you want, from your diet program. Prohibiting food would only make you want more of them. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy this occasional treat as long as it remains inside of your total daily allowance.

10.Junk Foods:

Avoid piling up junk food at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks. It can cause the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter which helps regulate the pleasure and reward centre of your brain. When the brain has such abnormal levels of dopamine, it can trigger eating disorders in some people.

11.Cut Alcohol:

A regular glass of wine can contain as many calories as a chocolate bar. Getting drunk too much can easily result in weight gain over time. Alcohol induces more appetite and less satiety. It stops the fat burning process when consumed and normalcy is returned only after hours. Alcohol can hamper your food preferences.

12.Choose Your Meals:

Try to plan your weekly breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, ensuring you keep to your calorie limit. Making a weekly grocery list can be useful to you.

13.Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting helps in weight loss. An assessment of studies shows that many people who fast see a higher loss of organ fat and similar to a slightly lower reduction in body weight compared to people who follow more traditional diets for cutting calories. Researchers found that fasting is advantageous for metabolic syndrome and diabetes management, expands lifespan preserves neuron activity and looks impressive in those with intestinal diseases.

14.Drink Green Tea:

Green tea has many benefits, one of which is the loss of weight. Green tea loaded with powerful antioxidants, catechins, and works collectively with caffeine to improve fat burning.

15.Black Coffee:

Black Coffee is packed with antioxidants and can have several health benefits. Research shows that caffeine in coffee can raise metabolism and improve fat burning. Make sure you don’t add a lot of sugar to your coffee. That would absolutely kill the purpose.

16.Get your protein:

Protein is an essential nutrient to weight loss. Eggs are a good source of protein. People who eat whole eggs can lose weight, as it keeps them satiated. Vegetarian can opt for vegetarian protein sources. Whey a good source of protein is favourite among people looking to shed fat.

17.Go on a diet of low carb:

If you want those benefits of reducing carbs, consider going straight and commit to a low-carb diet. Various studies show that such a diet will help you lose 2-3 times as much weight as a low-fat diet while boosting your health as well. While reducing your carb intake, try to supplement it with good quality protein, which would speed up the process of weight loss when coupled with exercise.

18.Good Sleep:

Sleep highly devalued is just as important as exercise and healthy eating. Disturbed sleep has been linked repeatedly to higher BMI and excess weight. People need for sleep differ, but research has reported weight fluctuations when they sleep less than 7 hours per night. Research shows disturbed sleep is one of the key for obesity.

19.Mindful Eating:

Some studies suggest that eating more slowly will help you consume fewer calories and improve hormone production related to weight loss. Try also chewing more deeply on your food. Research shows that greater chewing at a meal can minimize calorie consumption.

20.Soft Drinks:

Sugar is unhealthy but is much worse in the liquid form. Research showed that calories in soft drinks are the most nutrient-dense in junk food. In children, they increase the risk of obesity.

Obesity raises health concerns like diabetes, heart disease, and liver disease. You may have heard the frequently cited fact that within a few years or months, most people who lose weight on a diet will regain it. In the long run, many weight-loss programs fail. Crash diets are hard to sustain over time. Total commitment, Good eating habits, tailored workout, and support from family and friends help in the fight against obesity.

Are you guys struggling to lose weight?

What is the way you are following to stay healthy and maintain your body weight?

Do let us know in the comment section.

Confused about what to eat and how to maintain a healthy diet? Connect to our Dieticians now.


Dr. Ashwin Karuppan

About Dr. Ashwin Karuppan

Dr.V.Ashwin Karuppan is a consultant in General Medicine. He has specialized in various departments of General Medicine, Diabetology, Infectious Diseases, cardiology and Emergency Care. He is the founder of Tambaram Medical Center and focuses on providing quality medical care for needy people at affordable cost.

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