Turmeric The Lifesaver Spice in India

Turmeric has been used in traditional medicine like Ayurveda and Siddha, for thousands of years now. Turmeric used in Indian cuisine has notes in Ayurveda for its effectiveness in treating pain and fatigue. Most of the benefits are attributed to one compound called curcumin. It is one of the main ingredients of Indian food preparations. 

What causes Stomach ulcers?

Stomach ulcers are sores that form on the lining of the stomach. They are also called gastric ulcers. Stomach ulcers are caused when the mucus layer which protects the digestive tract is dissolved by acid secretion. This happens when the acid secretion is too high. Stomach ulcers can be caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs. Indiscriminate use of painkillers and the effect of stress causes ulceration and inflammation. Research has confirmed the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Turmeric. Further research confirmed that turmeric polysaccharides can reduce gastric ulcers by shielding the mucus lining of the stomach and checking the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

How to get maximum benefits out of turmeric? 

It has been used in alternative medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. Curcumin has potent bacteria and viral fighting properties. Consuming Turmeric through food cannot solve the problem of acid reflux since turmeric is poorly absorbed by the system. 

Turmeric alone, when taken as a supplement, cannot be effective in the treatment of ulcers because of poor absorbability. Turmeric, when combined with Black pepper, increases the absorption of turmeric in the body because of piperine, a compound found in Black pepper. 

stomach pain

How turmeric helps treats health conditions: 

It is well known for its healing properties. Whether its use in traditional medicine systems or home remedies practiced by people its benefits are too many to ignore. Let us see some of the health benefits offered by turmeric. 

1. Immune system: It is responsible for making the Immunity strong. It helps to clear the respiratory system thereby reducing the risk of cold and flu. Oxidative stress is a primary contributor to the growth of neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies have shown how turmeric can reduce oxidation and help to prevent diseases.

2. Asthma: Asthma is a chronic disorder with repeated inflammation that makes airways in the lungs bulge and narrow. Turmeric may be helpful for asthma patients; it can help them to breathe better by improving airway obstruction. Hence it is now an add-on therapy for asthma patients.

3. Fatty Liver: Curcumin in Turmeric helps to fight toxins in the liver and delays liver damage which in turn helps to ward off cirrhosis. It has also been found that it has the potency to rebuild a damaged liver. Nonalcoholic fatty liver is a disease when fat deposits are accumulated in the liver of patients who have no history of alcohol abuse. Studies have shown that turmeric helps in fighting off the complications and degradation of the condition.

4. Cancer: Curcumin has been found effective in the treatment of cancer. It works well for breast cancer, gastric cancer, bowel cancer, and skin cancer. Studies have shown curcumin effective in slowing down cancer makes chemotherapy more potent. 

5. Ageing In and Out: Turmeric is effective in averting DNA damage and helps repair it. Turmeric also with other ingredients is useful in preparing face masks that leave you with glowing skin. 

6.Psoriasis: Turmeric helps to control the symptoms and spread of the disease. Psoriasis has been tied to systemic inflammation and curcumin, an active component in turmeric helps to control inflammation. Studies recommend taking it in food or as a supplement.

7.Stretch marks: The antioxidant property of turmeric helps to pierce the skin tissues and help treat stretch marks. Add a spoon of extra virgin olive oil to turmeric and squeeze a slice of lemon and apply it to the affected areas. 

turmeric benefits

8. Dark circles: Turmeric can reduce dark circles significantly due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Turmeric should be mixed with curd and a few drops of lime and this mixture must be applied to the affected areas after 20 to 25 mins you can wash it clean. 

9. Brain Health: Studies have found curcumin effective in treating and preventing Alzheimer’s Disease. Turmeric contains neuroprotective properties which help to increase memory function, diminish brain clog, and improve overall awareness. Further research and plans to develop better medicines based on curcumin are future developments.

10. Heart healthCurcumin helps in improving the function of endothelium thereby preventing the lining of the blood vessels, regulating blood pressure, and averting blood clots. It can also lessen inflammation which is also another reason for Heart disease. 

11. Depression: Curcumin was found effective in the treatment of depression. Depression which is caused by lower levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is boosted by curcumin and thereby elevating the mood. 

12. Weight loss: Curcumin helps in weight loss for people with previously existing metabolic disorders by stabilizing metabolism and maintaining weight. One must also add exercise and must be in a calorie deficit to achieve their fitness goal. 

13. Diabetes: The effect on Type 2 diabetes depends on the diet and habits of the patient. Turmeric can reduce fat deposits in the organs. It is also found to improve Insulin secretion and protect the pancreas. If you are prediabetic consult your doctor before taking it. 

turmeric benefits

Negative side effects : 

Turmeric does have some side effects associated with it like its pungent property which can make acid reflux worse. People with Diabetes should not take turmeric as it can viciously lower their blood sugar levels. Patients who are on blood-thinning medications should avoid consuming large amounts of Turmeric since it is a well-known blood thinner. 

Patients who have the risk of Gallstones should avoid taking in large quantities because it will increase the risk of forming gallstones which will cause abdominal discomfort which can last for hours. 

People who come under this risk are obese people and patients with Irritable bowel syndrome. Experts suggest when consumed in high doses for longer periods can cause indigestion and diarrhea. 

High dosage consumption can also increase the levels of oxalate in the blood which leads to the formation of kidney stones in inactive people. 

For people suffering from Iron deficiency if they consume a high dosage of Turmeric it can limit Iron absorption in the body and Haemoglobin levels may take a purge.

Safe ways to consume: 

Turmeric tea is one of the safest ways to consume, provided you are within the limits. It is very helpful to boost your immune system and can reduce inflammation. 

It can also be added to your food preparation to get your daily dose of antioxidants. 

Ayurvedic Supplements have Turmeric and Black pepper together. Black pepper helps effective absorption of curcumin so that you can get the good benefits of it. 

It is highly advisable to get Doctor advice before taking Turmeric as a supplement as studies have shown that it interferes in the treatment with allopathic medicines. 

 Please comment below and do let us know if you have experienced the medical benefits of this remarkable spice. 

Dr. Ashwin Karuppan

About Dr. Ashwin Karuppan

Dr.V.Ashwin Karuppan is a consultant in General Medicine. He has specialized in various departments of General Medicine, Diabetology, Infectious Diseases, cardiology and Emergency Care. He is the founder of Tambaram Medical Center and focuses on providing quality medical care for needy people at affordable cost.

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